Ferocious Desire: Werebear Romance (Stand-alone Fiction Book 1) Read online

  Ferocious Desire

  ✻ ✻ ✻

  a werebear romance

  by Reese Sanchez

  FEROCIOUS DESIRE is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  WARNING: This Ebook contains mature themes and language.

  Intended for 18+ readers only!

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 1

  Darkness. That was all Evan could see as he quietly maneuvered his way through the Valley of the Black Mountains. Every night, Evan Gray would wander this forest in search of his next victim. Not every night was a success; like tonight. As Evan reached an opening in the tree line, the dim light of the dawning sun shone through. The bear instincts inside him told him it was time to get home. He was at least 20 furlongs away; if he didn’t get home now, he ran the risk of being spotted.

  Evan Gray was of the BlackStock Clan, a clan of WereBears from south of Black Mountains. Evan had wandered up this way by himself after he was cast out of the clan. His“urgings”were unnatural, the clan leaders said and, because of that, he was considered to be an outcast. So now, for the last five years, Evan has lived in a cabin he built, along with his animal friends.

  His animal friends were the only friends he had. He liked them because they couldn’t talk back to him. He could tell them anything and they couldn’t tell a soul. They knew of his desire to change. They knew how that, every morning after a kill, he would sob and pray to the gods to take his curse away. But every night, those“urgings”would return and he would wander back out into the woods.

  By day, Evan was a normal man that had excessive strength. During the day, he could wander into the human village and pretend to be one of them. He could mingle with the villagers, buy and sell goods, and even had developed friendships with some of them. They didn’t know who he really was.

  When he would go into the village, he would hear them tell stories of a WereBear lurking in the woods. Each morning, after he had a successful night the night before, he would walk into the village and see another mother or father sobbing over their little girl being killed. The villagers had tried to find this murderer, but they never could spot him.

  As Evan walked back to his cabin, slowly changing back into his human form, he found comfort in knowing a family wouldn’t have to suffer today. Slowly, all of the long black hair fell off, leaving only a full beard and long, black hair on his head. In his human form, he was six foot, five inches tall. His whole body was lean and muscular due to his diet; he was a vegetarian.

  His arms were so muscular that any shirt he wore would rip to shreds. That’s the reason he chose to go without a shirt most of the time. His only attire was a pair of black pants that were specially made for him by his mother, back home. They were made to transform with him as he changed forms each night.

  He strolled onto his self-proclaimed property just as the morning sun peaked over the trees. Now he could go about his normal morning routine; the routine that kept him from going insane and gave him something to look forward to.

  He grew his own food, so his first stop was to check on his garden and see if any critters had been able to get through his barricades. Luckily, he found none. He picked a few tomatoes off the vine before going inside.

  When he opened the door to his cabin, he was greeted first by his canine friend, George. In these parts of the world, canines were considered to be dangerous because they weren’t domesticated. But Evan had found George on his trek this way after leaving the clan. George had been attacked and was laying against a tree, dying. Evan was able to nurse him back to health and, since then, he and George had been best of friends.

  “Hey buddy,”Evan called out as his canine licked his hands.“Did you miss me?”George’s bark was his answer.

  After washing up and trimming his beard back, (something he had to do every morning), Evan let George outside to run and do whatever it was canines did. He knew his friend would come back when he was tired.

  As Evan wondered back outside, it was as if the forest had awoken. As if on cue, animals started coming out of every hole imaginable, all to get their time with their friend. These animals didn’t have names, at least not that Evan had given them, but each one had grown special to him.

  There were the two squirrels who always seemed to be first in line. Evan always had some nuts to give them. Then would come the rabbit family, which seemed to be getting bigger by the day. Then there were raccoons and possums, a deer and even an old owl, all of which came out to greet him. If he didn’t know any better he would say the animals knew what he became at night and came every morning to make sure he was alright.

  Every morning, a new animal would appear. They never once fought another animal, nor did they try to bite at Evan. As he went about his daily routine, they would follow him around camp. Some were even able to help him out on occasion. For instance, yesterday, he was struggling to hold a piece of the fence up so that he could fix it. Out of nowhere, his deer friend nuzzled his nose against the board and held it in place so Evan could fix it. He knew some would think he was crazy, but if that was all they knew about him, he was fine with that.

  It came time for him to go into the village to get some supplies and food. The animals never came with him there. It wasn’t a far walk, maybe 20 furlongs, but he enjoyed the time it gave him in the woods. He loved being in the woods during the day time. He could smell the tree sap, hear the birds chirping, all of the sounds one comes to listen for when walking through the woods. At night, it was different. The only smell that came into his nostrils was that of prey. The only sounds he heard were screams of agony.

  He held on to the hope that one day, he might change. That one day, the gods would no longer frown upon him and give him his humanity back. Until that day, he had to endure.

  Chapter 2

  The village was busier than normal as he strode through the village gates. The guards knew him by name now and would let him in without any questions asked. They exchanged greetings as he walked through, carrying his empty sacks.

  He wondered why it was so busy. Off in the distance, he heard music playing and decided he would check it out before going to the market. As he walked closer to the music, the crowd got bigger. People were dressed in fancy outfits with their faces painted. A few people he thought he had recognized but the paint hid who they really were.

  A few would call out to him by name. Recognizing the voice, he would call back out. He wasn’t sure what was going on and the music made it hard to hear what anyone was saying. Finally, he got to the source of it. Around a blazing fire danced a group of women that hardly had any clothes on. There was just enough cloth to cover their breast and private areas. But as that danced, the cloth would move with them, giving the on lookers small glimpses of their breast.

  Each woman had a different instrument she was playing as she danced around the fire. One had a pair of tambourines. Another had a drum she would bang on periodically. The others had instruments he had never seen before, but the sound they were making together was beautiful to his ears; almost as beautiful as the women that were holding them. He was mesmerized as he stood there watching; careful not to let his animal side creep up.

  He was suddenly shaken out of his trance by a familiar voice that belonged to the merchant dire

  “Hey there, Evan. How are you this fine Hallows Eve day?”

  Hey Driek,”Evan replied to the man the voice belonged too. Though the voice was familiar, the outfit wasn’t. Driek had attached long strands of hair all over his body and was wearing a mask that appeared to be of a wolf.“What is Hallows Eve day?”

  “It’s a day that comes once a year where we celebrate our ancestors who have passed one,”Driek explained, pulling Evan off to the side so they could hear each other better.

  “Ok. So why the stupid outfit?”

  “Oh,”Driek laughed out loud.“I honestly don’t know why this tradition started, or when, but on Hallows eve day, everyone dresses up in crazy outfits for the day.”

  Suddenly, Evan realized why the faces of those familiar voices had been painted. He didn’t understand it. But it didn’t affect him. He just needed to get his supplies and get out of town before his animal side took over and his urge forced him to deflower one of those dancing women.

  “Ok. That’s crazy. But to each his own. Can you help me get my supplies and get out of town before this gets any crazier?”

  “Sure,”Driek said as he pulled his mask off, aware of how uncomfortable it had made his friend.

  Driek led him to the market quietly as the music dwindled down to just a faint sound in the distance. Now that the music wasn’t a problem, the two friends could hear each other without having to speak loudly.

  “So did you hear about the sighting early this morning?”Driek asked, looking over Evan’s list of supplies.

  “No. What sighting?”Evan was looking through some of the fresh fruit that had arrived that morning, thinking about what he could get for his animal friends.

  “Yea. Someone sighted the creature that’s been killing all of the girls.”

  That peaked Evan’s attention. He knew he was out longer than normal, but he didn’t think he had been sighted. Evan shot the merchant a quizzical look.

  “Yea. They said that he was walking down through the valley right as the sun was coming up.”

  This couldn’t be. If he was seen, did they follow him? Did they know where he lived? Did they know who he was? Evan couldn’t risk being discovered. He had to leave. He had to leave now.

  He took a breath, realizing he needed to find out more information. Maybe there was nothing to be worried about.

  “That’s good.”Evan tried to sound excited instead of terrified.“Did they follow him?”

  “I don’t think so.”Evan let out a long sigh.“The person said that he was alone and didn’t want to risk the creature seeing him.”Evan cringed at the word, creature. He hated being called that.

  “So what are they planning on doing?”

  “Well, the man is in with the village elders right now. They are talking about forming a search group and going after him tonight.”

  Evan had to hurry up. He had to do something. One glimpse toward the sky told him that it would be night fall soon and he had just enough time to get back to his cabin.

  He hurriedly grabbed the full sacks out of the merchant’s hand and through him a few coins; more than enough to pay for the supplies.

  “What’s your hurry, Evan?”The merchant asked as he picked up his coins.“You should stay and see these girls dance after they’ve had some ale. It’s going to be quite a show.”

  Evan knew that the merchant was referring to the girls stripping off what little cloths they had on and then having their way with each other as the whole town looked on; that’s what happened with every festival in town. And Evan knew that, if he stayed, his animal side would take over and he would be discovered. He couldn’t let that happen.

  “Maybe next time. I need to get back. I have work to do before night fall.”

  The merchant waved him off before turning and heading back towards the music. Evan, on the other hand, darted in between the buildings, making sure nobody saw him, in case the spotter had followed him.

  As he ran out of the village gates, the guards gave each other looks of bewilderment; Evan didn’t say a word to them. He had to get to his cabin and pack. He would be leaving tonight, but only if he was able to get gone before the change occurred.

  Chapter 3

  Evan was out of breath by the time he got back to his cabin. Though he was in perfect shape, it had been a long time since he had ran that long in his human form. Evan reached his camp just as the evening sun was falling back behind the trees. He had to face the fact that he was too late; as he stepped through the threshold of his cabin, he felt the all familiar change start to happen.

  It wasn’t a sudden change; it started out as just a boost of energy. That was one think that took Evan a long time to get used to; he didn’t need sleep. When the animal form took over, it was like the human form went to sleep. When the change occurred in the mornings back to the human form, he would feel refreshed again, like he had a full night’s sleep.

  After the energy refreshing, it took a few minutes for the change to be complete. It wasn’t painful, just awkward. The first few times it happened, he had watched himself in a mirror. It was the strangest thing to watch his muscular face transform into the husky head of a bear.

  He would stay upright, not hunching down on all fours like a normal bear. Even his hands and feet stayed that of a human. But after his face changed, the hair would started to cover his whole body. The only two parts of his body that remained uncovered were the palms of his hands and the bottom of his feet. The rest of his body soon was covered by long, fine black hair.

  His voice seemed to leave, too, when the change happened. In his mind he would speak but all that would come out was a roar. And though all of this was strange, what might be stranger, still, was how he changed in his manhood area.

  In his human form, we was well endowed. Before the curse was put on him, and he could have sex in his human form, all of the women would beg him to see his manhood; and he would proudly show it off. This often led to an all-out orgy with him and several of the clan’s women. Now, after the curse, he couldn’t have sex in his human form without the animal side taking over and him making the change.

  When the change occurred, his manhood seemed to get even bigger. So big, in fact, that a lot of the women he ravaged at night would pass out because of him sticking his manhood inside of them; it would literally tear their privates.

  Tonight was no different. Unceremoniously, he changed from Evan, the human, to Evan, the WereBear that tormented the human village.

  After the change was complete, the animal instinct took over. As Evan turned to go back outside, George was nowhere to be found. Usually, he would hide under the bed until Evan left. As he stepped outside, his greeting was totally different than that of the mornings. There were no rustling leaves to warn him that his animal friends were coming. There were no chirping birds or little squirrels to pet. They all knew that the change had occurred; their true friend wouldn’t be back till morning.

  It was completely dark as Evan, the WereBear, stepped out of his camp and into the quite woods. There were no smells that came flooding into his nose; no sound that leaped into his ears. He was fully and animal now and only one thing mattered; he had to release his urge. Tonight, he had to be successful.

  Each night that he wasn’t successful caused the change to last that much longer; and it had been three nights since he had found prey. But then, just as he was getting started, he heard a rustling of the leaves up ahead of him.

  He stood still and listened. He was waiting to see if it continued and, how many people there were. There came the sound again. It was evident that it was just one person and, judging by the lightness of the sound, it was a female.

  He remained still, wanting to see exactly where the sound was coming from. It sounded like it was coming from up ahead. Sure enough, just as he started making his way towards it, he saw a faint glow come past a tree. He still couldn’t see the source of the sound, but the light glowing in the distance told him he was on the right track.

  As he was slowly walking towards his prey, he was trying to be as quiet as possible. This was a difficult task considering that there were broken limbs and twigs all over the floor of the woods. They proved to work against him tonight as he unknowingly stepped on a twig, causing it to break. With as quiet as the woods were, the breaking twig sounded like a full tree breaking in half.

  He immediately stopped, is back leg stopping in mid stride in an effort not to make any more noise. He had hoped his prey wouldn’t be startled; he was wrong. The light ahead of him came to a stop as well and a voice cried out in the darkness.

  “Is someone there?”the voice cried out, telling Evan that the prey he was following was indeed a female. His urge started to rise within him. He felt his manhood twitch a little at the thought of having a successful night.

  “Hello,”came the voice again.“Please don’t hurt me.”

  Evan didn’t respond; he couldn’t. If he tried to say anything, a roar would come out and his prey would run. Though he was sure he could catch her, he didn’t want to chase her down; that always ended badly.

  After staying still for a minute, the light ahead of him started moving again. As he got closer to the light, he was better able to see where he was putting his feet, making sure not to break another twig. The light also allowed him to finally see his prey.

  She was a beauty. Her cloths let him know that she was one of the women that had been dancing around the fire in the village. He recognized her as the one that had been playing the drums. She was absolutely gorgeous.

  She had gorgeous brown hair that fell halfway down her back. Her face was perfect, her cheek bones showing perfect symmetry. Her cloths didn’t leave much to the imagination; her dark tanned skin giving her a near goddess level body.

  Her plumb breast begged to be let free, nearly falling out the thin piece of clothing each time she stepped. He stomach was flat and hard, no doubt from the life of dancing. Her ass was perfectly shaped, not too big and not too small. His eyes trailed down her body, ending at her muscular, yet tiny long legs.